How do we change our environment, and how does it change us back? This Earth Week, EcoWomen NYC and 500 Women Scientists are teaming up and exploring how we interact with the world around us in complex and ever-changing ways. We'll hear from three top researchers in New York City as they explain their work on wetland ecosystems, food and oceans, and the connections between biodiversity and disease.
This event is 21+
Dr. Indrani Pal
Indrani Pal, PhD is a Scientist / Research Assistant Professor at the City University of New York as well as a Lecturer and Adjunct Scientist at The Earth Institute of Columbia University. She received a MPhil and a PhD degree from the University of Cambridge, UK. Her current research foci include: statistical modeling and forecasting of water supply, global food security, and climate impacts at a variety of time scales.
Dr. Alex Moore
My name is Alexandria (Alex!) Moore and I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) as well as an adjunct professor in Columbia’s E3B department. I recently completed my PhD at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies where my research focused on how predator-prey interactions impact the health and functioning of wetland ecosystems. At AMNH, I am expanding on the work I did at Yale by branching out into new wetland ecosystems while exploring the cultural implications of habitat restoration and conservation. Also! I am originally from Michigan and outside of academia, I’m passionate about tennis (I watch, I don’t play), I love music and Jordan Peele movies, and I aspire to travel the world while spending money that isn’t mine.
Dr. Michelle Hersh
Michelle Hersh is an ecology professor at Sarah Lawrence College. Her Ph.D. is from Duke University, and she studies fungi, plants, and biodiversity.