Join us as scientists Pascal Gangeaux and Francisco Villarreal discuss sex and chocolate! Pascal will explain why it takes hundreds of millions of sperm to fertilize one egg, and Francisco will enumerate the history and health benefits of cocoa.
Please note that Park and Rec is a 21+ venue. No need to eat lunch beforehand; the Simply Fresh food truck will be available during the event!
Apes, Sugars and Sperm
Why does it take hundreds of millions of sperm to fertilize one egg? Mammalian fertilization resembles highly successful infections. However, females require sperm to reproduce and have to ensure that sperm are from the right species, the right individual (with regards to both, quality and compatibility), and that they remain fully functional. Sperm cells are coated in a thick sugar coat. This coat provides information to the female but also transient invisibility to the foreign sperm.
Francisco Villarreal
The secrets of the Mayan to health
This talk will focus on the past and current history of cacao (i.e. cocoa) and its beneficial effects on a multitude of health parameters. We will present and discuss on effects that are reported on blood vessel health, muscle and cognition. We will also detail secrets to the optimal dose of cocoa products to use.