Come and join us for our first event after the 2017 Festival at our favorite Freewheel Brewing Company! Celebrate SV beer week, with their amazing selection and raise a glass to Science!
This month, hear about planets in other star systems and then learn why alcohol causes facial flushing in East Asians
Prospects for exoplanet exploration around nearby stars
Eduardo Bendek
Research Scientist at NASA Ames Research Center
In this talk, I will describe the technology necessary to find planets around nearby stars and assess if they could harbor life. I will focus on the Alpha Centauri system, which is the closest star system that at least has one Earth-like planet, Proxima b. Also, I will describe Public and private endeavors to explore this star system.
Developing personalized medical approach for the East Asians
Dr. Pritam Sinha Roy
Postdocs at Stanford, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
Many East Asians show a physiological response to drinking alcohol that includes facial flushing (Asian flushing) and nausea. This so called response is due to the inability to metabolize chemical components of alcohol, which leads to various disorders including stroke, Alzheimer and cardiovascular diseases. Our goal is to develop personalized medical approach for the East Asian patients as a standard practice in the precision medicine era.