To celebrate Women's History Month, we are bringing you two wonderful women scientists! We will dedicate this evening to learn about female biology - human and mouse. Elisabeth Bik will talk about women's microbiome . Amy Braun will tell us why she-mice need equal representation in medical research!
Women and their microbes
Dr. Elisabeth Bik
Scientific Editorial Director at uBiome
Just like our guts, vaginas have their own microbiome too. In this presentation, I will talk about which microbes live "down there", how they are associated with a woman's reproductive and general health, and how mothers transfer their microbes to their babies.
A blind spot in the center -- biological sex in basic research
Amy Braun
PhD at Stanford
Sex may seem like one of the most obvious biological variables there is, yet in a biology lab it is sometimes ignored completely... Usually one sex in particular. I'll explain the reasons for this common omission, the potential consequences, and the possibilities that open up when the variable of biological sex is carefully investigated in cells, animals and humans.