Join us for the opening night of our taste of science FESTIVAL to listen about the exciting world of bacterial viruses and unconsciousness.
The wonderful world of bacterial viruses
Dr. Maureen Berg
Postdoc at UC Berkeley
There are more bacterial viruses (also known as "bacteriophages" or just "phages") on the planet than bacteria, animals, plants, fungi, and other eukaryotes combined. While phages only infect bacteria, those infections can ultimately impact other parts of the ecosystem, including humans! This talk will discuss why phages are important and interesting, and the methods we are using to discover new phages and phage-bacteria relationships.
The Neural Correlates of Un-Consciousness
Daniel Toker
PhD Student at UC Berkeley
One of the dreams of modern neuroscience is to understand the neural correlates of unconsciousness. We've got a long way to go, but we may be getting close to understanding the neural correlates of *un*consciousness.