Explore intriguing new research on circadian rhythms in the context of diet and sleep, and learn about ways in which scientists Satchin Panda and Eric Hekler are transforming the way we think about our health.
All ages — and dogs! — welcome at this event
Food and drink available for purchase
Satchin Panda
Count time not calories to stay healthy
“Eat this, not that” has been the basic tenant to stay healthy and fight diseases. However, foundational circadian rhythm research from my lab shows when you eat may be as important as what you eat. Come to hear the science of circadian rhythm and simple changes you can make “now” to stay healthy.
Eric Hekler
Exploring ways to improve sleep with self-experimentation
In this talk, I'll discuss some work my students and I did to help people create their own personalized behavior change plans via self-experimentation. The process involved teaching people basics in behavior change, providing them with a wearable sleep monitor, and, for some being provided a home-based tool that they could self-program to support better sleep habits in context. I'll talk about the results and implications on how to help yourself to sleep better.