Hack the Genome - The new age of biology
4:00 PM16:00

Hack the Genome - The new age of biology

Computational biology uses data analysis, modeling, and coding to answer biological questions. Brian uses these techniques to study population genetics using pedigrees.

Pedigrees are family trees that trace genetic relationships. They allow scientists to study inheritance patterns, genetic diversity, and evolutionary changes with precision.

Join us to learn more about his research focusing on the North American red squirrel population in the Yukon.

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How's the Weather!?
6:45 PM18:45

How's the Weather!?

What's with the weather lately? More floods, more droughts, more extreme weather. taste of science Houston proudly presents “How’s the Weather!?” We’ve invited scientists and engineers to discuss our current climate and environment, so join us on March 23, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Brass Tacks, and find out more about what's behind our wacky weather lately!

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Head Over Heart
7:00 PM19:00

Head Over Heart

We are excited to announce our next event, which is Valentine’s Day themed! Join us for a discussion on modern day romance and intimate relationships that explores challenges, triumphs, and beliefs about love.

Come on out y'all! February 14th @ 7PM; Axelrad

Please RSVP below!


Meet Our Speaker:

We are bringing Nicole Stelivan. She is the owner of Saving Grace Children & Adolescent Counseling Center. Nicole is an MA, LCDC LPC Associate, a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor, and a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate, with 21 years of experience providing counseling and treatment of co-occurring disorders and 17 years as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor.

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Let's Talk about MPox (formerly known as MonkeyPox)
6:45 PM18:45

Let's Talk about MPox (formerly known as MonkeyPox)

For our next event, we are inviting amazing speakers to discuss Mpox (formerly Monkeypox). We will be going over the basics of its biology, its current state as an epidemic, and providing resources on sexual health. Our speakers will be:

Roberto C. Arduino, MD with UTHealth Houston, McGovern Medical School,

Janelle Rios with UTHealth Houston, School of Public Health,

Olufisayo Awolaja, Senior Public Health Educator for the Houston Health Department

The event will be at 6:45pm on January 26 at Equal Parts Brewing. Parking is available on site. We look forward to seeing you!

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Urban Planning Event
7:30 PM19:30

Urban Planning Event

Taste of Science is ecSTATIC to announce our first in person event comeback! We invited top researchers from UH and Rice to speak on Houston’s urban planning!

These experts have had a huge impact on the way you interact with the city, and we plan to delve into their minds to see if we can get an insight into how Houston will develop in the future and revitalize its vast area.

Our Accomplished Speakers:

Dr. Stephen L. Klineberg, Professor Emeritus of Sociology;

Founding Dir, Kinder Institute for Urban Research:

Co-author of The Present of Things Future: Explorations of Time in Human Experience, and author of Prophetic City: Houston on the Cusp of a Changing America. Klineberg serves as the founding director of Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, launched to offer a model of how research universities and cities can work together to strengthen urban life.

Klineberg appears frequently on radio and television, and is the recipient of twelve major teaching awards. He is an expert on Houston's diversity, arguing that it foreshadows the country's own demographic trajectory.

Curtis M. Davis, RA:

Davis is an architect and urban planner specializing in regional planning, urban design, real estate development, community development, and facility capital program management. He is the founding principal of ReBuildit Collaborative, a city building advisory service, and served as project manager for the Emancipation Community Development Partnership.

Davis is an adjunct faculty member at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design, University of Houston. As project executive, Davis oversaw the planning, facility programming, and designer selection phases for the Smithsonian Institution’s new National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Dr. Bruce Race, PhD, FAIA, FAICP:

Race is the principal and founder of RACESTUDIO, with his projects having received 33 design and planning awards. Dr. Race joined the Gerald D. Hines School of Architecture as Director of University of Houston’s newly created Center for Sustainability and Resilience (CeSAR).

Additionally, Dr. Race is the PI for two energy and detention-positive mixed-use projects in Houston, including the first mixed-use town center for Habitat for Humanity in the United States that has received the 2021 APA Texas Gold Award for Resilience.

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Sci Fail: Share Your Scientific Screwups
3:15 PM15:15

Sci Fail: Share Your Scientific Screwups

Join us on Pi Day for an afternoon of science-related mishaps and mayhem! We invite locals and scientists to share your own Sci Fail stories: overly honest methods, comic failures, and strange laboratory & fieldwork experiences. Non-scientists with science-related stories also welcome! 🧪 💥

We will have prizes for the best stories! $100 for first place, $30 for second place, and free Taste of Science swag for 3rd place 🧬

If you’re interested in sharing your story, email us at houston@tasteofscience.org or fill out our handy speaker form: https://tasteofscience.typeform.com/to/jlNPLG

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Dark Stout of the Moon
3:00 PM15:00

Dark Stout of the Moon

Dark Stout of the Moon

50 year ago, humans first landed on the moon. Join us on Sunday, July 21st at Mongoose vs Cobra to celebrate this momentous occasion. Doors open at 3PM, and the event will be started shortly after.

Be sure to be on time and grab a drink! We will be doing a toast at 3:35, exactly fifty years from the rejoining of the lunar and orbital modules and marking one of the hardest steps in bringing home those first men who walked on the moon.


David Alexander

Director of the Rice Space Institute

Dr Alexander will discuss the latest developments in space science and technology.


Vickie Kloeris

NASA Space Food Systems Laboratory

Vickie Kloeris will speak on her experience at NASA, where she developed the food eaten by astronauts.

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The Art of Science
5:30 PM17:30

The Art of Science

The Art of Science

Time to get in touch with your artistic side! The Art of Science event will showcase works of art that were inspired by or represent different scientific phenomena. Come hear about the science behind Broken Bismuth, a sculpture created by local artists Matt Fries and Julien Luna that was installed at Mongoose vs Cobra, and see the beautiful images that can be created from the cells in our body.

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Meditation for Mental Health
6:30 PM18:30

Meditation for Mental Health

A talk by Dr. Jennifer E. Sanner Beauchamp highlighting the importance of understanding and supporting mental health in those living within the confines of a chronic health condition. Dr. Beauchamp's research currently focuses on defining and supporting stroke recovery mental health initiatives.

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Wisdom of the Ants
6:30 PM18:30

Wisdom of the Ants

Just like humans, ants work cooperatively to construct homes with complex architecture, use tools, raise crops, use antibiotics to combat disease, and engage in warfare; and they are among the most successful organisms on earth with more than 15,000 known species!

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The Morning After
1:00 PM13:00

The Morning After

The morning after our Big Bang Theory event we will be wrapping up our festival with the darker side of sex and drugs... Join as we learn a little more about addiction, what science says about it and how to overcome it. On a lighter note, we will also be ending our raffle, so make sure to come and find out if you're the lucky winner of our 4 Astros tickets!

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Connected Cortex
7:00 PM19:00

Connected Cortex

Dmitri Yatsenko will be talking about data analysis in the MICrONS project (Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks). MICrONS is a multi-institution initiative that seeks to revolutionize machine learning by reverse-engineering the algorithms of the brain

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Fly me to the moon
7:00 PM19:00

Fly me to the moon

Join us and and listen to a real life NASA Astronaut talk about his experience living in the International Space Station for 6 months! Plus you'll get to find out how food gets prepared for life in the ISS, and how Space Exploration might affect human evolution.

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7:30 PM19:30


Come join taste of science over at Sigma Brewery as a Physicist and nanotechnology expert discuss how very small things are creating big changes in technology. The talk will focus on carbon nanotubes, nanostructures, and molecular scale electronics!

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